17. Mai 2022

The spring gardens on the Ansgarikirchhof are set up, over 100 flower pots with rhododendrons and early bloomers, which are financed by the CityInitiative and residents, are in the quarters and shopping streets of the city centre. This year, this stock will also be complemented by a large variety of hanging baskets, which will be in colorful bloom throughout the summer.

Despite the current incidence of infection and the prolonged cold this year, the city of Bremen is slowly beginning to flourish these days. Whether on business in the city center, on a walk, looking for inspiration in the shop windows, buying a book or with Click & Collect: Visitors to the city of Bremen can already enjoy the sight of rhododendrons, early bloomers and apple trees, which are in full bloom splendor when all shops can open their doors again.

In the Obernstraße you can find blossoming apple trees for the first time. In winter, the family of four deer in the ramparts was a real attraction. As soon as the retail trade is allowed to open its doors again for appointment shopping, another highlight is planned as part of the "Bremen blooms on" campaign in the countryside, which will make you want to take one or two photos.

We would like to thank all sponsors who were able to make a large part of the greening in the city center possible. The sponsors are: swb Vertrieb Bremen GmbH, BREBAU GmbH, Wilhelm Schulte GmbH & Co.KG, Frenz für`s Auge Augenoptik GmbH & Co KG, Fielmann AG & Co. and Justus Wohltmann OHG.

The spring gardens on the Ansgarikirchhof and the overall project "Bremen is blooming!" will be supported this year by the action program downtown.

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